Thursday 7 August 2014

Scramble for 'free wives' lands Busia Men in a ditch

August 7, 2014
Ladies in Busia County are up in arms against men in the county following last month’s scramble by the county bachelor’s for free wives in Nambale town.
The ladies feel aggrieved by their male counterparts whom they accuse of disrespecting them by thronging the town to receive free women.
“How many single, beautiful, young and learned women do we have in Busia? Why have men in this county refused to marry us? The way they were rushing in Nambale for free wives was like there were no single women in this county. It was shameful and disrespect to single ladies and we will not forgive them for this,” declared Claire Asega, a single lady.
The ladies have refused to date any man from Busia and they are said to be crossing the border to the neighbouring country Uganda.
“Because all of our men likes free things and we believe they are all hooked up by now following the last week’s event in Nambale, we have decided to go international. We feel we are more superior to these local cockerels,” declares a self-confessed international lady Auma Beatrice.
Men in this part of the country are finding it hard to seduce women as there advances are rebuked with sneers and contempt it deserves.
“Imagine nimeendA kuvibe totos, halafu ananishow na madharau eti ningoje wa Mutua. (Imagine, I went to seduce a lady and she arrogantly tells me to wait for Mutua women (in reference to free wives believed to have been brought from Ukambani Governor Alfred Mutua’s turf). Its time our women understands that not all men went to Nambale for free goodies,” bemoans Vuvuzela Khasindu, a bachelor in Busia.
Last month, over 200 men thronged Nambale Sub County in the County to receive free wives and free goodies that included sh10, 000 in cash, a sack of maize and utensils.
The free wives were believed to have been ferried from Ukambani by a local NGO and were being offered to unmarried men willing to quit bachelorhood.
“Where do they expect we will get husband if they fall for free women from nowhere yet we live in their midst and they understand us better? I will never accept a man form Busia County, over my dead body. They are such losers,” cursed violet Mudanda.
Married men have also been thrown in the mess amid claims that wife of men who left their homes early that day accusing them of having gone to look for free wives.
It said, the situation is tense that any man who spend a night out since that day has to give proof that he did not sleep at  another wife bed, a woman stashed somewhere in the expansive county.
“I am a business man who deals with livestock and as the norm, I left my home early to the market and when I came back, there were fireworks. My wife was claiming that I had also gone to look for a free wife, something I was not aware of,” said Moses Opondo, a local.
“Whenever I travel, I have to drag my wife along because she now suspects I may be having another wife somewhere. I wonder where this mess came from,” questions Josphat Sigomere.
The animosity between single men and women and suspicion between husbands and wives is so tense in this county and there are no signs that it will end soon.

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