Monday 11 August 2014

The Bar of justice

August 11, 2014

An 18 year old man was yesterday released on a Sh200, 000 bond with one surety by Kakamega Chief Magistrate Court for defiling a minor.
 The Court heard that Victor Barasa alias Vicky raped Linda Nasimiyu a 10 year old on the night of 7th this month in Bunyala.
Victor accepted the charge even after Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi took time to explain to him the gravity of the charge he faced,
“Victor, the law provides that I take you clear on the charges you are facing which call up to life imprisonment. It is thus prudent you understand every step of your charges so that you be guided,” said Mrs. Shitubi.
The panicky Victor was also accused of a second count of engaging in an indecent act by making his male part enter that of a minor female, a charge which he denied. The court ordered Victor’s case be heard on the 2nd of October 2014.
In the same court Jean Claude Francis a middle aged man was charged with being in possession of illegal drugs.
The prosecution said that they arrested Claude in his home with two rolls of bhang with a street value of Sh.20 in his trouser pocket.
“Mr. Dismus Musee a village elder and an Administration police were on regular patrol when they heard the accused hauling from his house a matter that prompted them to check what was happening. They found the accused looking suspicious and on frisking his trouser pockets they recovered two rolls of bhang. The accused was escorted to Navakholo Police station,”read part of the charge.
A repentant Claude pleaded with the court to forgive him saying he was a brick layer who used bhang specifically for psyching up because his manual job was too tasking.
Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi ordered a probation report be done on Claude to see whether to jail him in Government correctional facility or take him on community work.
Later on,Cyrus Alumasi was fined Sh.7, 000 or spend two months in jail by the same court on his own plea of guilt for selling Changaa without a license.
Mr. Alumasi was found with 200 litres of the illegal liquor in his house in the town’s Shirere estate on Saturday.

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