Wednesday 13 August 2014

When enough is Enough

August 13, 2014

Angry residents of Bungasi village in Mumias on Tuesday lynched a suspected criminal believed to have been a member of a deadly gang.
The suspect was burnt to death yesterday evening over connections with a spate of robberies and theft of motorbikes that residents say have skyrocketed in the region.
Residents told The standard that the late Fredrick Odhiambo, 25, is said to have conspired with a deadly gang and despite filing many reports with law enforcers, little initiative was coming forth to bring them to book.
 “He has been running a gang of thieves who have terrorized bodaboda people for a long time. We felt enough was enough and do what the police have failed to do, it is ignorant and abhorrent to pounce on other people’s sweat,’ said Victor Otieno a resident.
On more scores than one the residents lamented, the late would be arrested and in a short span of time released over feeble grounds of lacking evidence to prosecute them.
 “We will hunt each and every member of that gang until we permanently eradicate all the rotten lot from our society. We want to live in a peaceful environment. They have brought us nothing but agony and we shall not relent this fight. This is our land and we will protect it,” declared Peter Ochieng a resident.
The area assistant chief Patrick Auma said the deceased was arrested after a successful tipoff from the public who had been monitoring his movement.
He is said to have had three motor cycle tyres which were believed to have been stolen.
At the time of the dramatic lynch, the late escaped the public’s snare and locked himself in his house. Residents’ plea to have him open the house were met with defiance prompting them to set the house ablaze burning him to ashes.
“He has been arrested more than ten times but due to lack of concrete evidence, he has always been set free. Residents have been monitoring his movements for some time. After being seen with the tyres he was questioned the whereabouts of the property but ran away,” he said.
Mumias Deputy OCPD Patrick Nyangaresi warned residents against taking the law into their own hands saying police would turn against those found lynching suspects.
“Let the public be told that taking matters into their own hands is against the law and whoever will be found will be prosecuted. They are supposed to report to police for action,” he said.
The mutilated body of the deceased was taken to Kakamega County General Hospital mortuary.
Elsewhere, a 46 years old man was found dead in his rented house in Shibale area in Mumias yesterday night.
The late Abel Ayuya is said to have been discovered by neighbours after failing to open his house for two consecutive days.
“He was found lying on his bed with no visible injuries but police have launched investigation to establish the course of the death,” said Nyangaresi.
The body is lying at St’ Mary’s Mission Hospital Mumias waiting post- mortem tests.

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