Monday 18 August 2014

Are Luhya political leaders ready to unite?

August 18, 2014

Budalangi MP Ababu Nmwamba has hinted that Luhya community will form another party in preparation to 2017 general elections.
He said there will be a formation of political movement will shock and shake the entire country in the coming general election.
In what he termed as “being mistreated in ODM,” Ababu said it was time leaders with the interest of Kenyans at heart moved first to salvage the country from tribal, ego-centric politicans determined to see the country go to the dogs.
“An army of one million men can be stopped but you cannot stop an idea whose time has come the reason I am being fought is because I am good, a threat to certain interests,” said Ababu.
He observed that what kills the country aspiration is lack of listening leaders.
He pleaded with the leadership of major parties to listen to the cries of Kenyans and not push tribal agendas to the national table.
“The late vice president Goerge Saitoti once said times come when the country is bigger than an individual. I urge all political leaders to reflect on his assertion and protect our country,” said Ababu.
He explained that Luhyia community needs to register in large numbers so that they can give him a good bargaining ground in national politics.
He was speaking during a fundraiser at Mushiliro Anglican Church in Navakholo Constituency Kakamega County
 He called for a paradigm shift in Luhyia land saying that their numbers were ‘tyrannical’ yet not reflective in national politics,
“We must not always dance to the tunes of others, let’s make our own tune so that when others come with theirs’ we can blend and dance together,” said Ababu.
“On paper, we have numbers but in reality, we are just a group that is compromised by other people. We are easily swayed to dance to the tune of others, when we will learn to support one of our own. We are the solution to this tyranny of numbers acclamation.”
Also present included Kakamega county women representative Racheal Ameso who said it was not fair for Ababu to be swindled of ODM party Secretary General Position when he almost died fighting for the party during last elections,
“We tell you Ababu not to accept to be led by retired people who lost focus with the flow of Kenyan politics. They sacrificed you (Ababu) because you are smart and would easily take on Kenyan leadership.” Said Ameso.

Will the electorate be charmed by their unity talks without action? Time will tell


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