Tuesday 22 July 2014

July 21, 2014
Members of assembly from Kakamega County have raised concerns over just concluded National Police Service recruitment exercise saying it was flawed and they have petitioned the chairman of National Police service commission (NPSC) Johnstone Kavuludi.
They are seeking to have the whole process repeated in disputed regions.
“We will petition the chairman of NPSC Mr. Kavuludi and seek the process to be repeated in this county due to irregularities witnessed during the recruitment process. Even if it’s not repeated, future recruitment exercise should be transparent to ensure deserving youth are given opportunities to serve this country,” observed Kakamega county speaker Morris Buluma.
Raising on matters of county importance, West Kabras ward county representative Edward Indimuli claimed process was marred with irregularities, corruption and favoritism and cannot stand the test of transparency and impartiality.
“Apart from Khwisero and some parts of Lurambi, the recruitment exercise in the remaining sub counties was just a formality. It seems some people had already been selected as those who had performed distinctively well in academics, physically fitness and with a clean medical report were left out,” said Indimuli.
He singled out Malava Sub County, where the process was flawed with violence as residents demonstrated over nepotism, corruption and tribalism.
He explained that there was a suspicious list with names of twelve candidates from a “marginalized” communities a matter that led to protests and accusations of favoritism from residents and candidates alike.
“Like Kakamega North, there were 21 slots for grabs but 17 slots had already been filled before the recruitment even started. This created tension as residents nearly lynched the deputy county commissioner, he had to flee for his life. There are no marginalized communities in Malava” said Indimuli.
Mbongi who was the Chair for the Recruitment Board in Malava sub-county, admitted that he had the controversial list and faulted the County Administration saying they interfered with a government process yet he was merely dispensing orders from above.
 “I and the OCPD have a letter from Police dictating that we reserve four out of twenty one slots for minority community in this Sub-County, it’s anew directive that they ought to understand,” Mbongi said.
 “We ask the national police service commission to cancel out the concluded process and repeat the whole exercise to ensure deserving youth are given the rightful opportunities to serve their country,” said Alex Khamasi, a nominated MCA representing the youth.
The MCAs questioned the unusual time taken during the exercise and observed that it created suspicion among residents across the county as the exercise extended to wee hours of the morning.
“In most of other counties, the exercise was conclude before 6pm but here in Kakamega it extended to 2am.Its beat logic for recruitment exercise to go beyond midnight. What were the recruitment team doing all this time?” posed Shinyalu central ward county representative Richard Muchesia.
 “Most of the youths were being asked to pay between sh100, 000 to sh150, 000 for them to be recruited. Where do you expect this poor people who cannot afford three meals a day to get that amount of money?” asked Titus Kwoma Chekalini ward county representative.

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