Monday 18 August 2014

Gang attacks on increase in Kakamega county as security officilas continue to slump

August 18, 2014
It was a night of terror in Mwinaya village in Bukura, Kakamega County after a gang of seven yesterday night attacked leaving seven people were critically injured and several others are nursing serious head injuries.
The gang in police uniform was armed with crude weapons including Pangas, Jembes and axes invaded the village at 8PM leaving a trail of blood.
James Owasia one of the victim recuperating at the Kakamega County General Hospital recounts how the gang descended on him after he could give them the money they demanded.
 “They attacked me in my house and demanded that I give them money but I refused to give them and they ascended on me with pangas and axes causing me head injuries” said Owasia.
He narrates how he was forced to scream in order to alert neighbors who came to rescue him but they encountered the same fate as the gang turned on them causing scores of injuries.
“I screamed for help from my neighbors but they were also attacked and injured by the gang. They ran away with my Sh400,000 which I was planning to buy goods for my shop,” said the businessman.
Kakamega county general hospital nursing officer in charge Abigail Mweresa confirmed that they received seven casualties of which two were critically injured.
“We received fifteen casualties, seven had critical head injuries but others are in stable conditions. Those in critical conditions will be airlifted to Moi referral hospital for further medical attention” said Mweresa.
Marama West Member of County Assembly (MCA) Habil Bushuru lamented the increased level of insecurity in the area saying the incident is the sixth in a span of three months.
 He blamed the police saying they are reluctant to respond to calls by residents on security matters..
“Police arrived at the scene at 11PM yet the incident took place at 8PM and I called them immediately people were attacked. Kenya Police and AP stationed in this area are reluctant on their job and have become the major source of insecurity” said Bushuru.
He called on the central and county government of Kakamega to enhance security of the resident by establishing a new police post in the ward to boost security.
“We as a community e have alreadys volunteered to give one acre of land for the construction of a police post and it’s up to the government to act quickly to curb insecurity” he stated.
Confirming the attack acting Butere OCPD Joseph Kinyua said that the incident was reported to the station and investigations are still underway to arrest the assailants.
“We received the report of the attacker at 8PM and we are carrying out investigations to arrest attackers. We have not arrested any person in connection with the attack. They stole some amount of money and injured residents using their crude weapons” Kinyua said.

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