Tuesday 12 August 2014

AQ university student arraigned in court for theft

August 12, 2014

A University student was Tuesday arraigned in Kakamega chief magistrate court for stealing a HP Pavilion Laptop and an Alcatel mobile phone from a fellow student.
Martin Ochieng was accused of breaking into John Kibe in his house in the town’s Lurambi estate over the weekend and vanished with the appliances.
Appearing before the courts’ Chief Magistrate Susan Shitubi he was also charged with alternative charges of being found in possession of stolen property around a local supermarket.
Ochieng a third year student at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST)pleaded to be released on bond to sit his end of semester exams and was granted but with a bond of Sh.50, 000 and one surety,
“I beg the court to release me on bond because I have end of semester exams ahead of me and I need to prepare to sit for the same exams starting next week,” begged Ochieng.
The case will be heard on the 25th of September 2014 and mentioned on 26th of August 2014.
In the same court, middle aged woman fined Sh10, 000 or serve three months jail  in default by Kakamega Chief Magistrate’s for selling ‘Kangara’ a local illicit brew.
Beatrice Taabu Khasiani was arrested with twenty liters of the potent drink in her Museno home of Kakamega, the intoxicating beverage the court ordered destroyed.
Khasiani defended herself saying she sold changaa to feed her children and family since she is a single mother with no alternative avenue to generate a living.
She pleaded with the court to give her a leaner fine because if she is imprisoned, her three children and her aged mother will suffer with her beig the sole bread winner.
Prinsiszah Murilla and Rose Angachi were also fined Sh2, 000 each or a month in jail for selling ‘chang’aa’ without a license.
Kangara and chang’aa are common local brews in the western region.
Early thgis year, the county assembly passed a bill that seeks to legalise traditional brew to help the brewers transform their venture into a legal business that will generate revenue for the county.
The bill is before the governor’s desk waiting to be signed into law.


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