Monday 7 July 2014

Opportunist steals my birth right as i see

Unlike broadcast journalist, print reporters are unknown but many people identify our work, they acknowledge our commitment and reads our by lines without knowing who is behind the article.
This is the drama that unfolded yesterday as my colleague decided to steal my birthright for a pound of notes(money).
We meet our source, who refers to him as me...the guy smiles, gets out of the car in astonishing speed (mark you, we were leaving to report back to office to pin down the splash) and he does not deny being me.
He gives the source his contacts as the innocent member of the clergy continues to congratulate him for a good work he is doing.
My colleague, nods in approval without blinking an eye, without shame, without fear.
I was sitting in the car, looking at him wondering...why don't he just tell him he is not me?why can't Then this came in my mind?
Why are we self- centered?
Why do everyone wants to take glory for the good work even if he didn't do or participate in it?
Why would someone stoop that low to be acknowledged for something he/she knows it is not his work?
The jury is out there to decide.

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