Tuesday 22 July 2014

July 22, 2014
A middle aged man escaped death by a whisker after he was allegedly nabbed with a stolen cockrel in Mumabanga village Butere Sub County yesterday morning.
The suspect was saved by police from the jaws of an agitated mob which had doused him in petrol and ready to set him ablaze.
The 21-years-old Haggai Odera, is said to have stolen Sarah Otundo’s rooster while she was in the kitchen cooking on Monday night and he was on his way to sell it in the neighbouring market when he was nabbed.
“As cane cutters, we usually wake up very early in the morning to field and on our way, we met this young man with a rooster. After questioning him because we wondered why such a young chap was doing with a cock that early, he threw the bird in a sugar cane planation and tried to escape but we gave a chase and caught him,” Said Opondo Komolo, a witness.
“We searched for the cokrel, found it and we were taking him to the area assistant chief’s office when we met with other residents who attacked him claiming he is a notorious petty chief who vanishes with everything he meets. He was beaten and was about to be set ablaze when police on patrol rescued him.”
Mutoma sub location assistant chief Mary Munyanya said he alerted the police after she feared the suspect may be lynched.
She noted that the suspect is a notorious thief but they have been unable to arrest him because he has never been caught in the act or with exhibit.
“I have received reports many times from people claiming that the suspect has stolen from them but because we can only arrest when we get him in the act or with a stolen property, we have been unable to prove anything until yesterday,” explained Munyanya.
Confirming the incident, Butere OCPD Josephine Ngetich said the suspect will be arraigned in court and charged with theft and handling stolen property.
He warned the public to refrain from lynching suspects saying its only court of law that is constitutionally allowed to declare someone guilty.
“The suspect was beaten and has been taken to Butere Sub county Hospital for treatment under security. He will be taken to court once he is discharged from the hospital,” said Ngetich

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