Monday 7 July 2014

A tale of a dog munching its own puppy

What has come of our society?Why would a father who is supposed to defend, protect and love her daughter be the one to steal her innocence?
A 40-years-old man was arrested yesterday night for allegedly defiling his 9-years old daughter in Malinya village, Ikolomani constituency.
James Imbali, a father of two is said to have physically abused the child when she refused to be molested.
Mactilda Khaswa, a standard three pupil of Shirumba primary school said they usually sleep with her father and her younger brother on the same bed and every night, the father caresses her, touching her private parts but on that night he sexually molested her.
“He has been doing bad manners to me threatening to kill me if I tell anyone. He usually touch my breasts, lie on top of me, rubbing his private part between my legs. On this day he attacked me with a cooking stick after I could not withstand the pain I was feeling when he was doing those bad things,” recounted the child.
The suspect separated with his wife of six years early last year and has been living with his children since last month after he forcefully took them from their maternal grandfather.
“He sometimes comes with his girlfriend forcing us to sleep on the floor as they do bad manners all night. That night, he told me he wants to do with me what he does with his girlfriend but it was very painful,” she narrated.
Confirming the incident, Malaika OCS Benedict Musyoka said the suspect was arrested and frog matched to the station by residents on Sunday Night for allegedly raping her daughter.
He further said police are waiting for a medical report to before they prosecute him for any crime.
“Once the p3 form is brought, we will take him to court tomorrow where he will be charged with defilement and causing grievous body harm,” said Musyoka
Johnstone Muruli, Deputy Headmaster Shirumba Primary School said they discovered the child was sick after he had difficulties in walking and was writhing in pain when her friends tried to play with her, which is unusual of a child he described as bubbly and jolly.
“On Monday, this child was brought to me by her class teacher who because she looked frail, frightened and had swollen face, hands and had difficulties walking. Upon inquiry, she told us her father had beaten,” said Muruli and explained that after prodding her further, she revealed she had been defiled by her father.
 “We prodded her further and she revealed that her father had raped her the previous night. She even showed us her swollen private parts and she was also badly injured.”
Petronilla Wepukhulu, nurse in- charge in Shibwe Sub county Hospital said initial examination indicates the child was sexually and physically abused.
She explained that she hasa swollen and bruised private parts, has visible physically injuries and has a swollen and tender abdomen and indication of an infection inside.
“We did physical examination and if you touch her, she groans. We have also tested her of Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test, pregnancy and HIV/AIDS and both have become negative. We will refer her to Kakamega General Hospital to conduct HVS test to for further tests,” said Petronilla.
James Imbali refuted the accusations and said he just punished his child as a parent but it’s his father in law who wants to take his children from him.
“I can never do that to my child. I have been living with this child for over a year why now? This are all lies. She came back very late at night and I just punished her reprimanding her not to walk at night,” said Imbali.

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