Thursday 26 June 2014

A 73-years old man rapes a 6-years old baby

Recent research reported that men blamed rising cases of rape on uncouth and revealing dressing of women.
As much as it may appear, a reason for many, I wonder if its justifable.
Look at this.......
Police in Kakamega East have launched a manhunt for a 73-years –old man for allegedly raping a 6 years-old child in Mundulu Village Khayega, Shinyalu constituency.
Kakamega County Police Commander Warui Manegene confirmed the incident and said the suspect identified as Laban Mukabwa molested the standard four pupil on Monday evening.
“The medical reports indicates that the girl was sexually molested and we have launched a manhunt for the accused. We promise to leave no stone unturned until we arrest him and arraign him in court in accordance with the law,” said the commandant.
Warui, urged parents to be prudent enough and avoid leaving children unattended to minimize underage rape cases.
“Reports of rape cases are on the increase in this region and we humbly advise parents to ensure they leave their children under the care of trustworthy, honest and responsible people. We should work together to eliminate this evil vice,” he told News24Kenya.
According to the minor, the man who is their immediate neighbour sent her to buy for him a match box and when she returned, he forcefully pushed her into his house and abused her in the process.            
“I was playing with my friends when Mzee send me to buy him a matchbox at the shop. When I brought him the matchbox, he pushed me into his room, withdraw a knife and threatened to kill me if I raised alarm. He then tore my dress and raped me before pushing me out of the house. He threatened to kill me if I inform anyone,” recounts the minor.
Titus Okello, the father to the victim said he realized that her daughter was raped when she complained to her mother that she was feeling pain when she went for a call of nature.
Upon checking her, they realized she had ruptured and swollen private parts an indication she had been molested.
“Though we suspected she had been raped, we rushed her to hospital to confirm our worries and the nurses confirmed our suspicion. She later informed us who was responsible but he managed to escape before we arrested him,” said Okello.
The victim is now recuperating at Kakamega County General Hospital.
.......I wonder how revealing the baby
was dressed and do that old man have a wife, children and grand children?
Rape has no excuse, imagine if it your mother, sister, child, wife, friend, relative or colleague could be a victim?

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