Thursday 26 June 2014

Politicians for hire hindering economic development

Kakamega County governor Wycliffe Oparanya has bemoaned politics of seeking self-interests, supremacy wars among leaders and politicians for hire as the main hindrance to economic development and political unity among Luhya Community.
This comes even as the calls for all political leaders in the community to form one party and unite under one political leader in preparation for 2017 general elections have been rekindled.
Oparanya said despite the community being second populous in the country, high poverty levels due to political rivalry and supremacy wars among leaders, have failed to empower residents in the region.
“No matter how much we call for unity and working as a team, our people will never be united if they cannot afford basic human needs. How do you expect people to come out and rally behind one of their own if they can’t afford a meal a day?” Oparanya wondered.
Oparanya asked all leaders in the region to strive toward empowering the community economically before forging ahead with their political unity.
He observed that if the residents of the region will become self-reliant and economically endowed, unity will be inevitable.
“Let us first tackle high levels of poverty and unity will be realized automatically. An empowered nation is an informed nation and instead of preaching political unity every day we should be advocating for job creation and financially supporting people to invest and establish businesses,” Oparanya observed.
He said all the governors from the region (from Busia, Kakamega, Bungoma, Trans-Nzoia and Vihiga counties) have pledged to contribute Sh1 billion towards establishment of a micro-finance whose ownership will be a Luhya-based in order to address low investment levels in the region and reduce high poverty levels.
Oparanya accused most political leaders of hypocrisy and fighting each other instead yet still advocating for unity.
 He explained that division and supremacy war against each other have led to region’s low economic development.
“This Luhya unity campaign is going nowhere. We always work to bring each other down and you cannot work with someone you don’t trust,” Oparanya said and observed that the community will never attain the country’s top leadership if leaders will not stop undermining others.
“We put our own interest above that of the community. If leaders will not stop self-seeking politics, back stabbing and politics of betrayal, we will never produce a national leader.”
Oparanya was addressing a congregation at Pentecostal Evangelism Fellowship of Africa (PEFA) church in Shinyalu constituency Sunday.
The governor alleged that most Luhya politicians are hired to oppose, demean and scuttle development projects in the region by interested parties outside the region.
He maintained that the only way the community can work together is when all leaders will decide to be honest, be supportive of others and work with a purpose.
“Most of this leaders are hired by people who do not want to see us working together as a community. They will oppose, spread negative propaganda and do anything to ensure they divide us. Only Kijana Wamalwa could have succeeded uniting the community but the calls for unity will remain a dream,” said Oparanya.
Over the weekend, Federal Party of Kenya leader Cyrus Jirongo speaking in Kanduyi constituency during the burial of the father of the former assistant minister in the office of the Prime Minister Alfred Khang’ati, called for Luhya leaders to forge unity and support one of their won in 2017 general elections.

A 73-years old man rapes a 6-years old baby

Recent research reported that men blamed rising cases of rape on uncouth and revealing dressing of women.
As much as it may appear, a reason for many, I wonder if its justifable.
Look at this.......
Police in Kakamega East have launched a manhunt for a 73-years –old man for allegedly raping a 6 years-old child in Mundulu Village Khayega, Shinyalu constituency.
Kakamega County Police Commander Warui Manegene confirmed the incident and said the suspect identified as Laban Mukabwa molested the standard four pupil on Monday evening.
“The medical reports indicates that the girl was sexually molested and we have launched a manhunt for the accused. We promise to leave no stone unturned until we arrest him and arraign him in court in accordance with the law,” said the commandant.
Warui, urged parents to be prudent enough and avoid leaving children unattended to minimize underage rape cases.
“Reports of rape cases are on the increase in this region and we humbly advise parents to ensure they leave their children under the care of trustworthy, honest and responsible people. We should work together to eliminate this evil vice,” he told News24Kenya.
According to the minor, the man who is their immediate neighbour sent her to buy for him a match box and when she returned, he forcefully pushed her into his house and abused her in the process.            
“I was playing with my friends when Mzee send me to buy him a matchbox at the shop. When I brought him the matchbox, he pushed me into his room, withdraw a knife and threatened to kill me if I raised alarm. He then tore my dress and raped me before pushing me out of the house. He threatened to kill me if I inform anyone,” recounts the minor.
Titus Okello, the father to the victim said he realized that her daughter was raped when she complained to her mother that she was feeling pain when she went for a call of nature.
Upon checking her, they realized she had ruptured and swollen private parts an indication she had been molested.
“Though we suspected she had been raped, we rushed her to hospital to confirm our worries and the nurses confirmed our suspicion. She later informed us who was responsible but he managed to escape before we arrested him,” said Okello.
The victim is now recuperating at Kakamega County General Hospital.
.......I wonder how revealing the baby
was dressed and do that old man have a wife, children and grand children?
Rape has no excuse, imagine if it your mother, sister, child, wife, friend, relative or colleague could be a victim?

Wednesday 25 June 2014

A taste of Crime

The World Cup has brought joy and tears not only to participating teams but to the fans too.
As usual, I left my small room around 6.30 PM in Kakamega town's Jua Kali estate looking forward to a mouth watering clash between Ghana and Germany.
As expected, it was a tight game even after The Black Stars fell a one goal down to die Mannschaft after Mario Gotze scored.
Andre Ayew equalised immediately with a well taken levelled headers before 'Le Capitan' Asamoah Gyan put Ghana ahead with a well played team goal.
Ghana,s moments of glory were shot lived as Germany high pitched and pressuring game brought them fruits.
The   veteran Polish born Germany striker Miroslav Klose was brought on.  and immediately his impact was felt.
The Lazio striker leveled a few minute after coming on equalizing the goal record held by Brazilian former international striker Ronaldo  Luís Nazário de Lima of scoring 15 goals in the world cup.
All in all the game ended in a draw and I left feeling happy and relieved hoping that the game between USA and Portugal will end in the favour of Portugal.
Reaching the house, no sooner had I opened the door that I was ambushed by three young men armed with Machete andf crude weapons.
I  estimated the lost souls to be aged between 20-30.
I was forcefully pushed into the house and threatened to be clobbered in case I raised alarm.
Remembering what my Dad always tells me, " When you clearly know, you have no other option, back down, you will fight another day," I kept my cool as they robbed me.
First, they ate the supper I had left to rush and watch the game.Having prepared my favourite meal of Pork and Ugali,i watched them in amazement( I wish i had poisoned it before, haahahaha like I knew i will be robbed) before they took my brand new samsund DVD that I had bought that day.
My brown timberland boots, Blue and Red Puma football boots( I bought them as I was leaving Nairobi), Alcatel T'pop phone, Samsung Duos phone,Two denim jeans and two official black brand new trousers were also taken.
I lost my Ramton electric Kettle, Adidas college bag (a gift from my sister Diana) and some money.
I had just been paid my salary a few days ago, so you can imagine how much i had in the house owing i had not paid my rent plus electricity bill amounting to sh5000.
I had also not done household shopping and i had not quenched my thirst( To those who gets my gist will understand).
It was a terrible experience despite my neighbor being an eavesdrop away  he was snoring loudly as usual enjoying his sleep, enjoying the warmth of his woman.
(I wonder how she manages to sleep keeping in mind how my neighbor roars while sleeping waking me up in the middle of the night. That is a woman for you.They can survive better than cockroaches).
The thieves must have been very merciful because they also left some valuable things in the house. I wonder why they decided to live a few of my belongings.May be its because they are human beings.
I told a few of my colleagues, friends and my parents.
Friends and colleague empathized with me and i expected nothing more anyway.
 As usual my Dad told me to Man up and move on. Terrible things happen to people always and i will either mourn for the rest of my life or keep on living.
"Instead of whining, you should give thanks they spared your life.They have given you a challenge, to buy better ones.Don't allow them to keep you down," that's my Dad.
My Mum couldn't understand.
"I told you that place was insecure but you couldn't listen. Now see what has happened. What if they could have harmed you. Were you drunk?( she has never believed that i stopped the habit)Bring that TV, and your household item back at home until the day you will move to a secure place,( Like home is immune to thieves yet she always complain of losing property to petty thieves)."
Anyway, that my caring, loving, understanding but strict mum.
Now i fear even going back to my house.I cannot get a peaceful and sound sleep.Hope to move out at the end of this month.
But is there any safe place in Kakamega town with this increased insecurity cases.
In Life, I Hope for the Best, But Expect The Worst.

Isukuti Dancers to showcase Luhya culture and heritage in the USA

A Kakamega County based dancing group Matende Isukuti Youth Group is headed to USA to attend Smithson Folk life Festival.
This year’s festival will take place from the 24th June to 7thJuly 2014 at the National Mall in Washington DC.
Smithson Folk Life Festival celebrates several cultures and lives of people all over the world through music, crafts, food, dances, interactive discussions and storytelling.
Kakamega county governor Wycliffe Oparanya asked the dancers to showcase the cou
nty’s diversity and culture through their performance.
He said the group participation in the festivals has provided a platform for the county to market the county as a cultural heritage and a tourist destination to the outside world.
“To the youth who are travelling to the USA, remember that you are carrying the image of Kakamega County. You will represent all the citizens of this great county. Maintain very high discipline, market our culture, heritage and county to others and respect everyone,” said Oparanya.
He urged the youths to identify their talents and utilize it to earn a living instead of waiting for white collar jobs that have become scarce in the country.
“Most of our youth still depend on finishing school and waiting to be employed in an office. Its time you identify your capabilities and utilize them. The world of today has provided you with opportunities to develop yourself,” he said.
The governor was speaking during the flag handing over ceremony held in his office yesterday.
“The trip has coasted the county government sh7.69 million. Of these funds, sh5.28 million will go to the group trip’s cost of return air ticket, travel insurance, accommodation, meals and local transport in the USA for 16 days,” said Oparanya.
The county executive member for Kakamega County government Executive member for Labour, Social services, Culture, Youth and sports Jamin Shitsukane observed that the festivals is an opportunity for the youths to showcase their talent and promised that the county will help in nurturing and their talents.
He said Isukuti dancing is a county culture and if well marketed, it will attract tourists and hence improve economic development of the county.
“Culture is one of the most tourist attractions all over the world. Let’s us use this opportunity to market our culture to the world. We need to make Isukuti our county cultural trademark and if we can execute this opportunity well, I am sure we will benefit from the festival,” said Shitsukane.
The dancing group chairman Johnstone Asutsi said they will use the opportunity to not only market the county but the country at large by giving a strong and performance.
“We will become the county ambassadors during the time we will be attending the festival. We promise to work hard, execute our moves well and showcase the Isukuti to the entire world. We are the representatives of our Isukuti culture,” said a beaming Asutsi.
The 10 members youth group will leave be travelling to USA ON 22nd June and they will be accompanied by the county executive minister for  Labour, Social services, Culture, Youth and sports Jamin Shitsukane.

High HIV/AIDS prevalence attributed to cross border trade

Budalangi Sub County is the leading region with high HIV/Aids prevalence rate in Busia County with the upsurge attributed to fishing industry, cultural beliefs and cross border trade.
According to a survey carried out by Busia county government, Budalangi leads the pack with HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 8.3 percent.
“Budalangi is the leading sub county in HIV/aids prevalence rate in this county and this is due to entrenched behaviours of fish for sex, high rate of alcohol and substance abuse, wife inheritance and cross border trade,” reads part of the report.
Matayos Sub County was ranked second with prevalence rate of 7.4 percent.
The rate is attributed to cross border trade and increased commercial sex business in Busia town.
The report indicates that there are estimated over 2000 sex workers in Busia town targeting long distance truck drivers and travelers crossing to the neighboring country.
“Truck drivers presents a ready-made demand for sexual workers in town this has seen an increase of HIV/Aids in the sub county compared to 2011/2012 survey,” reads the report.
The report indicates that Funyula Sub County is third with a prevalence rate of 6.3percentfolowed by Butula Sub County with 5.1 percent, Teso North with 4.2 percent, Teso South with 3.4 percent and Nambale with 3.1percent respectively.
The HIV/ aids prevalence in Teso sub counties was attributed to cultural beliefs that is hindering male circumcision.
Other causes of are high poverty index that currently stands at 65percent, the Trans African Highway in Malaba and Busia borders, cultural issues and illiteracy.
Busia County first lady Judith Ojaamong observed that with an adult prevalence rate of 6.8percent, Busia County firmly remains in the list of top ten counties with high HIV and AIDS burden in the country with women and children bearing the biggest brunt of the scourge.
However, she said there are encouraging signs such as the fact that the prevalence, though high, has steadily dropped.
“The free maternity services has seen a significant rise in the number of mothers delivering in our health facilities under skilled hands from 38.9percent in 2012 and 44.2percent in 2013 to 67.9percent in early 2014. The proportion of HIV positive mothers receiving preventative ARVs has been higher than percent and steadily risen,” she observed.
She was speaking during the launch of ‘Beyond Zero Campaign’ in Busia over the weekend.
The campaigns aims to accelerate the implementation of the national and counties plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children.
“The beyond zero campaign therefore seeks to bring together high-level leadership in the county to end new HIV infections among children and keep HIV infected mothers alive.” Mrs. Ojaamong’ cited.
Mrs. Ojaamong’ reiterated that in Busia County the exercise will target 7,700 adults and 234 young children over a period of three months starting in July 2014.
The campaign will involve all the county departments of health under the patronage of all the first ladies in all the 47 counties with technical support from National Aids and STI Control Program (NASCOP) and National Aids Control Council (NACC).
“I therefore take this this opportunity to inform you of  a nationwide HIV counseling and testing Rapid Result  Initiative (HTC-RRI) which is a follow up to this engagement, an exercise that will target 1,000,000 contacts and partners of  HIV positive clients already in our care and 20,000 children for early infant diagnosis.” The first lady said.
Speaking at the launch, the County AIDS coordinator Wilfred Magoba said that in the past 5years, the prevalence rate in Busia has dropped from 14percent to the current 6.8percent.
“We have managed to reduce the number of new infections in the County and related deaths, and discrimination. We have seen more people declare their status in public.”Magoba said.